We’ve developed this COVID-19 Safety Plan to help you create and maintain a safe environment for our workers and our customers
As a business we are doing our part to follow the current COVID-19 Public Health Orders, and also manage risks to staff and our customers in accordance with Work Health and Safety laws. For more information please visit nsw.gov.au
Physical distancing
Our new studio space is designed for client visits/meetings only and our staff now work from remote locations. This greatly minimises physical interaction points and also to maintain social distancing.
Hygiene and cleaning
Alcohol-based hand sanitiser are provided at multiple locations throughout our studio, including entry and exit points, bathroom and meeting room.
Disinfectant surface wipes are readily available to clean workstations and equipment such as phones, keyboard and mouse.
Surfaces are cleaned thoroughly, particularly all high contact areas such as door handles, bathroom surfaces.
Bathroom is well stocked with hand soap and paper towels, including hand sanitiser.
Record keeping
We keep a record of name and a mobile number of all visitors and contractors for a period of at least 28 days. Records are used only for the purposes of tracing COVID-19 infections and are stored confidentially and securely.